Snaking into View…

Because my brush has now officially died (and new ones are lost in the post somewhere between here and Liverpool) I don’t feel comfortable working on the commission, which meant tonight I found time to do something I haven’t done since I was a kid!

That’s right… Paint board game pieces!


These are my eight, brand spanking, new Vipers from the board game Battlestar Galactica. They are probably about an inch long, but they look fabulous.

Although I play my fair share of plastic heavy board games such as Heroquest, Space Crusade and D&D the pay off to painting the pieces just never seems to justify the time, but with these I couldn’t resist.

The whole squadron took about 5 or 6 hours to do, which means the 16 Cylon raiders will take double that… sigh. For those who are interested the colours I used were as follows:

Primer: Black Primer (Game Craft)

Undercoat: 2/3 Earth Brown 1/3 Dark Grey (Game Craft)

Midtone: 2/3 Earth Brown 1/3 White (Game Craft)

Highlight: 3/4 White 1/4 Earth Brown (Game Craft)

Stripes: Burgundy highlighted with Deep Red (Game Craft)

Windows: Blue Grey (Game Craft)

Tail pipes and Guns: Blue Grey (Game Craft) washed with Flesh Wash, followed by black inks (Vallejo). Although you can’t see them, the exhausts are White washed with Yellow Vajello ink.

I know this is a little different from my usual fair, but I like to mix it up. Hopefully I will have new brushes by the next time I post (and new batteries for my camera too.)

Until then, keep modelling and gaming… and so say we all!
